Specialised Service Providers/Supplier/Vendors Audits
- We can perform Software Supplier and Service Provider Qualification Audits to support organisations to make their best choice for their regulated activities. E.g. for:
- Electronic Case Report Forms (eCRFs)
- Electronical Clinical Outcome Assessment (eCOA), e.g. electronical Patient Reporting Outcome (ePRO)
- Electronic Electro Cardiogram (eECG)
- Lung Function
- Imaging
- Electronic TMFs (eTMFs)
- Safety Database
- Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS)
- Data Centre
- IT Operations
- Software Development
Validation status audits of single computerised systems and/or environments
- We can perform Validation Audits within organisations with the focus on the in house validation of purchased software solutions and their study specific setup (e.g. eCRF, eTMF; CTMS; Safety Databases)